The book “Strumenti, diritti regole e nuove relazioni di cura: il Paziente europeo protagonista nell’eHealth” (Tools, rights, rules and new relationships in health care: patient leading European eHealth) was presented during the “Meeting Italia/Usa: un nuovo modello di formazione e ricerca per lo sviluppo della Sanità Digitale” (Meeting Italy/USA: a new model of research and development for Digital Health) held on December, the 3rd and 4th at the University of Bologna. The volume presents the project  that allowed to integrate experimental data from clinical trials, developed by the database research group “DBGroup” and  the university spin off “DataRiver” through the open source data integration system MOMIS.

Over the last decade, the need for access to distributed information and integrate information from heterogeneous data sources has become increasingly crucial. In the medical field, research institutes and hospitals have access to growing amount of information sources, that provide heterogeneous, overlapping and not always consistent data. The requirements of research organizations and the mission of DataRiver within the clinical data management field is correlating the information distributed on different systems and access them seamlessly through software tools that provide a simple, unified, real-time view of data, retrieving search results as fast as possible, with great benefit for patients.

Download the event brochure (in Italian)