The REThinkWASTE data integration and analysis platform for intelligent waste management, developed by DataRiver for ETRA SpA as part of the REThinkWASTE project, will be presented on 4 December 2023 during the international conference “10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT2023)” in Taormina (Italy). Eng. Andrea Livaldi will present the article “The REThinkWASTE data integration and analytics platform for intelligent waste management” which describes the results obtained from the application in the field of waste management of MOMIS, the system for the integration and analysis of Big Data developed by DataRiver and Unimore. Thanks to the collaboration with ETRA within the European REthinkWASTE project, it was possible to demonstrate the effectiveness of the innovative technologies provided by DataRiver for intelligent and effective management of waste collection services, through the design of an infrastructure for the continuous monitoring of data, the control of their quality and the analysis of the efficiency metrics of the collection service.